Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Animal Drawing / "Omnubai the Crass"

"Omnubai the Crass"
13" x 19" Character Design - 360ยบ

"Omnubai the Crass"
13" x 19" Character Design - Faces and Poses

Animal drawing class assignment. Create a 3D rendered arthropod character. I went with Umbonia crassicornis, also known as the thornbug. They are indigenous to my home, Florida!

Time for some color!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sci-Fi & Fantasy / "Pterois, Eye Tyrant"

"Pterois, Eye Tyrant"
Applied to assigned CCG Frame

"Pterois, Eye Tyrant"
11" x 14" Digital Painting

"Pterois, Eye Tyrant"
Final Sketch

Here is the initial drawing and final digital painting for my CCG illustration! I love school. ^_^